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Senin, 23 Mei 2011

cari dollar lewat (url shortening)

saat mendengar pasti temen2 sudah tidak asing lagi karena sering di jumpai di link2 di blog atau di forum....dll
Pada dasarnya adalah tool untuk cloaking url atau bahasa kerennya url shortening. Mungkin sebagian orang menganggap tool ini suatu pemborosan, karena harus menunggu 5 detik untuk masuk halaman yang dituju, bisa jadi begitu dan agak sedikit menjengkelkan. Namun begitu si pengunjung tetap mendapatkan informasi sesuai yang dibutuhkannya, sedangkan si pemilik link dihargai jasanya oleh
  • Terlebih dahulu Anda harus memiliki user publisher
  • Pastikan kita memiliki url yang akan kita sebar lewat blog, forum, comment area, dan sebagaianya.
  • Persingkat/cloaking nama URL tersebut melalui
  • Sebarkan hasil link cloaking
  • Setiap kali url cloaking tersebut dikunjungi, maka akan menampilkan iklan selama 5 detik, baru kemudian mengarah ke halaman tujuan utama.
  • Setiap kunjungan melalaui url cloaking tersebut si pemilik link dibayar oleh, nilai tiap negara berbeda-beda.
  • Publisher menerima bayaran tiap tanggal 7 (menggunakan paypal atau alertpay), jika account sudah mencapai minimal 5$. 
  • jangan lupa daftar PAYPAL untuk Pay out ntar,,.......,.,.,.klik disini untuk daftar paypal
untuk daftar klik banner di bawah ini

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

flash get 196 en

FlashGet 1.9.6 Publisher's description

FlashGet is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. If you have ever waited forever for your files to download from a slow connection, or been cut off mid-way through a download - or just can not keep track of your ever-growing downloads - FlashGet is for you. FlashGet can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. This, coupled with FlashGet's powerful and easy-to-use management features, helps you take control of your downloads like never before FlashGet supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BT, MMS, MMST, RTSP protocol.

flv player setup

Looking for an easy way to play FLV (Flash Video) files downloaded from YouTube and other video sites? Get the free Applian FLV Player. It's easy to use, and you can view videos at 1x, 2x or even full screen. Download this fully functional software for FREE now!

FLV Player feature summary:

  • Play FLV files on any Windows PC.
  • Double-click files in File Explorer to play them automatically.
  • Zoom 50% - 100% - 200% and full screen.
  • Double click video view-port to toggle full screen.
  • Drag-and-drop multiple files.
  • Play URL's, Streams and Local Files.
  • Remember position on screen at next launch.
  • Remember audio settings at next launch
  • Optional video smoothing for fast CPU's. 

internet download manager 6.05 full

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yang dicari karena program ini program yang bagus untuk menstabilkan bandwitch kita saat donwload
yaitu internet download manager 6.05 full
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selamat mencoba dijamin full ngk setengah2 ^_^

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Shockwave Installer Slim.exe

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Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music and video player
Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music and video player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins, plus audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. additional features including free-form skins, a new decoder, built-in cross fade, and an advanced Media Library.
Winamp Pro
You can further expand your media player’s functionality with Winamp Pro, which offers:
- Navtive video support for the most popular H.264 file formats
- Unrestricted Audio CD Burning & Ripping (up to 48x)
- MP3 encoding – the industry leading format
- High quality bitrate AACPlus encoding (twice the quality of the free version)
to download klik here

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