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Rabu, 20 April 2011

paid to survei indonesia (disurvei aja dibayar mau daftar sekarang buruan tunggu apa lagi)

Tentang iPanelOnline

iPanelOnline Indonesia merupakan platform konsumen yang berada di bawah naungan iPanelOnline Market Research Co., Ltd yang merupakan penyedia panel penelitian pasar yang profesional. Selain di Indonesia, iPanel juga berada di Cina, Hongkong, Taiwan, Jepang, Singapur, Thailand, India, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, Filipina, Vietnam, dll. Sampai saat ini Ipanel telah menjadi salah satu penyedia survei terbesar di kawasan Asia Pasifik

penukaran poin

Sebelum dapat menukarkan poin, anda harus mengisi data pembayaran anda. Di member area klik tab “Data Saya” kemudian klik “Informasi harus diisi untuk tukar angka bonus“. Untuk bagian ID anda dapat mengisinya dengan nomor KTP, kartu pelajar, SIM, paspor, dll.
dan tunggu max.2 minggu tuk mendapatkan pembayarannya melalui akun paypal anda.
belum ada akun paypal daftar disini

220 poin (Rp 20000), 520 poin (Rp 50000), 1020 poin (Rp 100000).

cara mendapatkan poin
hanya mengikuti 2 macam survei:
1.survei saya(bernilai poin terbanyak bisa ratusan poin didapatkan)
2.survei interaktif
dan mendapatkan poin tambahan bila ada yg mendaftar melalui link anda
tunggu apa lagi daftar buruan...
mau daftar klik disini

Selasa, 12 April 2011

POWER ISO 4.7 full with keygen

PowerISO Description

Open,extract,create,edit,convert,compress,encrypt,split and mount ISO file.
PowerISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD-ROM image files including ISO and BIN. PowerISO can be used easily, which support shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste.

With PowerISO, you can:

1. Open and extract ISO File.
2. Create ISO file from hard disk files or CD/DVD-ROM.
3. Edit an existing ISO file directly.
4. Convert image files between ISO/BIN and other formats. PowerISO can convert almost all image file formats to a standard ISO format file.
5. Make bootable ISO file, get boot information from bootable ISO file.
6. Make floppy disk image file.
7. Optimize files to save disk space while saving ISO file.
8. Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. You don't need install any other virtual drive software.
9. Compress, encrypt or split image file. DAA(Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, ...

to download click here

POWER ISO 4.4 full with keygen

POWER ISO 4.4 full with keygen

• Support ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA, ...
• Open, Create, Edit, Extract ISO File...
• Compress, Encrypt, Split ISO File...
• Integrated with internal Virtual Drive...

Main Features:
- Support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on).
Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, ...
- Supports on-the-fly burning.
- Supports UDF image file.
- Create image file from hard disk files or CD/DVD-ROM.
- Edit an existing image file.
- Can edit and burn Audio CD image file.
- Extract files and folders from image file.
- Convert image files between ISO/BIN and other formats.
- Make bootable image file, get boot information from bootable image file.
- Make floppy disk image file.
- Optimize files to save disk space while saving image files.
- Mount image file with internal virtual drive. Even if the image file is saved as DAA format, the virtual drive can handle that format directly.
- Support shell integration, such as context menu, Drag and Drop, clipboard...
- Supports command-line parameters.
- Can open XBOX image file.
- Supports multiple languages
- Supports Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Vista.

New Features:
* Supports Windows Vista.
* Supports on-the-fly burning.
* Supports Apple DMG file.
* Supports multiple languages.
* Supports command-line parameters.

to download click here

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